HDST GROUP SERVICES – 2024 Expressions of Interest

Hills District Speech Therapy is excited to deliver a range of groups in 2024. Group therapy is a great way to learn, practice and consolidate skills in a fun, social environment. Building relationships with peers can also help our clients to feel more supported and less isolated on their therapy journey. For more information about our group services, please select the following links:
Speech Pathology Groups: https://hdspeechtherapy.com.au/group-speech-therapy/
Occupational Therapy Groups: https://hdspeechtherapy.com.au/group-ot-therapy/

Please select the groups you are interested in for 2024:

Term Time

Year 3-6
Year 7+

Holidays Only

Year 3-6
Year 7+

Please note the following:

  • Groups will only proceed if there are sufficient enrolments.
  • Any new clients will be required to complete a 30-minute screener with one of our Speech Pathologists/Occupational Therapists to ensure placement in the most appropriate group.
  • Due to the ongoing nature of these services, the full fee will be charged for all sessions and cannot be refunded, waived or transferred. For more information, please see our website: https://hdspeechtherapy.com.au/cancellation-policy-2023/
We will also be holding a number of parent workshops in 2025. Please advise if you are interested in attending any of the following:
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