Summary of what to expect and how to prepare for your upcoming telehealth assessment with Hills District Speech Therapy.

Duration of Assessment: 60 – 90 minutes

What to Expect

Your clinician will conduct the following:

  • A case history discussion with you about your child’s strengths and weaknesses, their developmental and medical history, their social history and your current concerns.

You will be required to do the following:

  • Follow the clinician’s instructions so that various concepts can be assessed
  • Play with your child
  • Complete the OZI-SF Assessment before the appointment to establish what single words your child understands/uses. Link to the Assessment: Please enter the following email address when prompted:
  • Complete the intake questionnaire and return ASAP

You will receive a comprehensive report approximately 4 weeks after your assessment.

What to Prepare

  • A computer and camera with good internet connection
  • The intake questionnaire (sent via booking confirmation email)
  • The Telehealth consent form (sent via booking confirmation email)
  • Toys that reflect the following:
    • Colours (get different coloured toys such as blocks)
    • Sizes (differently sized toys, such as teddy bears)
    • Cause and effect toys (such as a Jack-in-a-Box, bubbles, a balloon)
    • Common nouns (animals, transport, food, clothing etc)
    • Your child’s interests (a favourite toy, toy of interest)

What needs to be sent to your Clinician as soon as possible

  • The intake questionnaire. This can be emailed directly to once completed (before the assessment if possible)
  • A video or audio sample of your child talking. This can be sent either to your clinician or to and must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and date of birth.
  • The Credit Card Authority form (sent via booking confirmation email and can be accessed here) to allow payment to be taken. If you do not want to use this system, you can call the clinic directly to make payment. Payment must be received by HDST no later than two days before the assessment. If payment has not been received, the assessment will not go ahead and you will need to reschedule the assessment.

How to Use Zoom (online videoconferencing platform)

Your clinician will send you an email outlining the time and date of the appointment.
About 5-10 minutes before the appointment, please click on the link that was sent by your clinician.
Open Zoom and Click on ‘Join a meeting’
Enter the Meeting ID and password details.Your clinician will join the meeting at the time of the assessment