NEW: We are now offering eLOUD™ – an online delivery of the LSVT LOUD® treatment using secure telehealth platforms. Contact us to book in a consultation with one of our certified LSVT eLOUD™ clinicians!
What is LSVT Loud?
LSVT Loud® is an evidence-based approach to speech intervention for people diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease* (mild to moderate stages of the disease), with emerging research in treating speech difficulties associated with atypical parkinsonisms, stroke, multiple sclerosis, ataxia, cerebral palsy, and down syndrome.
*Prior to intervention, clients are advised to consult an Ear Nose and Throat Surgeon to determine suitability and rule out any other contributing factors to dysphonia and dysphagia (voice and swallowing problems).
How does LSVT Loud® work?
LSVT Loud® is an intensive, high effort treatment consisting of no less than 16, individual 1 hour therapy sessions. These sessions are scheduled for 4 consecutive days a week for a total of 4 weeks, with tune up sessions organised bi-annually if required. The individual therapy sessions are delivered by one of our LSVT Loud® trained and certified speech pathologists. Treatment sessions focus on bringing the client’s vocal loudness to a normal level using tailored exercises that strengthen their voice box and speech system.
Individual sessions are also supplemented with engaging daily homework practice (usually a short 10-15 minute set of the LSVT LOUD exercises) and carryover exercises that help the client generalise their skills beyond the clinic environment. Upon completing the treatment, clients are required to continue practicing their exercises at least once a day for 10–15 minutes.
”LSVT LOUD® trains people to use their voice at a more normal loudness level while speaking at home, work, or in the community. Key to the treatment is helping people "recalibrate" their perceptions so they know how loud or soft they sound to other people and can feel comfortable using a stronger voice at a normal loudness level"
LSVT Global (2019)
What makes LSVT Loud® effective?
- INTENSITY across and within treatment sessions
- REPETITION: increased number of repetitions of exercises and tasks
- COMPLEXITY: increasing difficulty of exercises and tasks as treatment progresses, including dual tasking
- SALIENCE: developing individualised functional and long-term goals that are meaningful to each client
- SPECIFICITY: train the deficit you want to improve

What are the benefits associated with LSVT Loud®?
Randomised clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of LSVT Loud® have shown that individuals with mild to moderate Parkinson’s Disease that have completed treatment typically demonstrate improvements in their vocal loudness, clarity and intonation (more variation in their pitch). These treatment effects can last for as long as 6 months without any tune up sessions. Secondary benefits to LSVT Loud® also include:
- Improved articulation
- Improved speech intelligibility
- Improved facial expression
- Improved swallowing
- Increased confidence to communicate
- Changes in brain functioning associated with voice and speech